Wednesday 15 April 2015

BA3 - CS - Synopsis of Hauron and the Sea of Stories.

Synopsis of
Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Book written by: Salman Rushdie

In the country of Alifbay there is a place called the sad city. In that city there lives a boy that goes by the name of Haroun Khalifa. This novel is about him and the massive journey he will embark on to the Sea of Stories.

One day when Haroun is on his way back from school something have happened that neither him or his father Rashid expected. His mother have run off with the upstairs neighbour. Because Haroun’s father is a famous storyteller, he blamed his father for his useless stories. This had a great impact on Rashid. After the incident Rashid decides to take his son with him on a storytelling job where he have to perform to some politicos in the Land of G and Valley of K. However, Rashid fails to perform because when he tried to tell his stories the only word that came out was “Ack!”.

After the failed performance, Haroun and Rashid starts their journey home by boarding the mail bus headed for the Valley of K. When they reach their destination they stumble upon the politician Mr.Buttoo, who have heard of Rashids fantastic stories so he offers them to join him on his travels.

On Mr.Buttoo’s yatch Hauron encounters Iff, the Water Genie who he firsts mistakes for a burglar.  Iff dropped his wrench by mistake when hiding from Hauron. He explains for Hauron that his father have cancelled his subscription for Story water, and he needs the wrench to turn off the story stream. Because Hauron refuses to give it back, Iff tells him to bring it up with the Walrus in Gup City. After some convincing Iff agrees to bring him there.

To reach the city, Iff transforms a bird of Hauron’s choice into a massive one as a means of transportation.  Hauron names the bird to “Butt the Hoopoe” and they can communicate telepathically. They soon arrive to the Sea of Stories of Kahani which is located on Earth’s second moon and is a library in liquid form. This is where the story water is located but also where the Wishwater can be found. Hauron drinks of the Wishwater and wishes his fathers subscription to story water to return but cause the lack of focus, Hauron starts thinking about his mother and concentration is lost after eleven minutes.

When that plan fails Hauron drinks from the story water where he relives one of the classic “Rescue the Princess” stories.  However the story takes a very dark turn because it is poisoned by a person named Khattam-Shud. Iff knows that it means trouble and together with Hauron they head to the Land of Gup. Here they meet Mali the Water Gardner, it turns out the Chupwalas have kidnapped Princess Batcheat. Everyone in the Land is now in war.

Now as a spy for the army, Hauron helps them win the war against Khattam-Shud by using Wishwater to destroy his plans. As a reward for his bravery Hauron is given a happy ending, the sad city have now turned into a happy place and his mother have returned home.

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