Thursday 9 April 2015

BA3 - Architecture Research - Renaissance

Renaissance Architecture developed in Florence during the early 15th century. It replaced the medieval Gothic style and re-introduced many architectural traits from Ancient Roman style, which includes the use of columns, round arches, tunnel vaults and domes. This is why it is called 'renaissance' which means 'Born anew' in French. Renaissance architects found the proportion to be most important factor for a building to look beautiful. They managed to find a harmony between the human proportions and buildings and from this be able to achieve very beautiful constructions.

This new architectural style spread across Europe by the help of two books, the first one written by Giacomo da Vignola and is called 'The Five Orders of Architecture'. The other one was written by Andrea Palladio and goes by the name 'The Four Books of Architecture'.

 The Four Books of Architecture

Countries such as France, Germany and England used these books combined with their own building traditions to create their own versions of Classicism Architecture.

Renaissance Chatea, an example of France take on Renaissance Architecture.


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