Saturday 15 November 2014

BA1 - Model Sheet

Next up is the Model Sheet. This one was very interesting to make, since my strength is 3D modelling I do have quiet a good knowledge what I personally want from a Model Sheet. So making clear defined textures and a clear understanding of what the different parts are was a must. I want people to look at it and understand what everything is without having to ask me. I think I nailed this pretty well from what iv'e understood since most people I have showed it too so far got a clear understanding of the character.

I kept the arrow in large size to easier be able to see the material definition of it and the details but I do wish I had also made a version where the bow and arrow was the right scale I want them to be for the character. I would also add a material sheet if I had the time, where I would go in deeper about the different materials for the armour.

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