Sunday 10 May 2015

BA3 - Next Gen and PBR

Since I will be using PBR for my final asset I figured I'd study a game that uses both PBR and are next gen. I decided to use Assassin's Creed Unity for my study, I choose this game because as I said it is using both PBR and are Next gen. It also have lots and lots of architecture in it and on top of that it is Gothic architecture, couldn't get more perfect than that.

So, I booted up the game and ran around in the city starting to gather pictures. I used the PS4 version which is running in 900p and does have lower texture resolutions than the PC version.

I quickly noticed how they actually model all the detailed architecture, a few years ago this would just be a simple plane that was baked. But now the detail is actual geometry and it does give a very good silhouette. I guess it is also needed in a game like assassins creed where you will be very close to the object and interact with it by climbing.

Since AC: Unity is set in Paris I also took many pictures of the Gothic cathedral Notre-dame. I have read on a reportage that this took a single artist 8 months to build. I can definitely understand this because it's not only the exterior that he created but also the interior. I can just imagine how much time he must have spent optimizing this model, considering it has to be used for 3 different platforms all with their own graphic settings.

When walking around in the city of this game I am truly impressed by the amount of different cathedrals and accuracy that they put into them. All the carvings and everything is there and most of the buildings also have an interior. It's amazing what a big team of people can achieve in 3 years time.

All pictures in this blogpost is taken by me in the game "Assassin's Creed Unity" made and published by Ubisoft in 2014.

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