Sunday 15 November 2015

BA2A - Week 8

Week 8 Summary

Pitching my Game

So this week it was time to pitch our games. I think it went very well and both the tutors seemed very pleased with my presentation. I have to admit I was a bit nervous since English is not my main language after all but once I stood up there it went super well! The critique I got was that I have some cool features that I should mention more, such as the Warhorn that gives the player a boon for a short amount of time but attracts enemies from far away. But other than that it was all just positive stuff!

Overview Page of my Pitch Document

Main Menu

Since this is the last week of working with the Prototype it is time to wrap it up. The reason why I didn't do the main menu until such a late stage is because it is an annoyance to have when I quickly want to try out other features ingame. Let's say I adjust the values for my Hunger system then every time I want to try it out ingame I will have to go through my main menu. 

The way I did the main menu was to create a second camera in the world and when the player presses the start button it switches back to the main character's controls. This way I could also add some nice Post processing effects such as Depth of Field etc to only the main menu without affecting the player camera. I found out that there is a node called "Blend camera" in Blueprint which did exactly what I wanted. To hide the change of cameras I created a black fade in and out effect which fits very well because the way the game starts is that Aneira have just woken up from a rest and the campfire is put out. 

GIF of the Main Menu


I also had to create a Tutorial for the player this week, an introduction to the inventory and fuel system. The way I did this was by making so the campfire has run out when Aneira first wakes up. That way the character have to fuel the fire with some logs right next to it to keep Aneira warm and not freeze to death. There is floating text in the game explaining the basics but then the player is on his/her own. 

Video of my Intro to the game

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