Tuesday 17 March 2015

BA3 - Environment Modelling

BA3 Project Brief

Environment Modelling

This project is focusing on my personally favourite part about 3D Modelling, which is Environments. But of course environment modelling can be broken down to many different aspects and in this case we will be focusing more on the Architectural part. The goal with this brief is to study and practice architecture, and by the end of the brief be comfortable with the workflow used to create AAA environments. 

Example environment from Assassin's Creed Unity

Compared to the earlier projects this one will be tackled a bit differently. Instead of receiving our final project instructions immediately we now have four weeks where we have to study as much as we can when it comes to Architecture. Also create sketches, practice models etc. And when there are three weeks left of the project we will receive our final project brief. This is certainly a interesting approach and I think it will be interesting 

Our first task is to select which kind of architecture we want to study more about. And after that dig deeper into that architectural style and do practices and research on it. 

Since I already have earlier experience when it comes to Environment modelling, I will take this project a step further. I will do this by learning more about PBR and actually bring my environment inside a game engine. For this project I choose to use Unreal Engine 4 since it supports PBR and it would be a great opportunity to learn more about the engine itself. For future project briefs I have planned to use Cryengine and Unity 5 so I can compare the different engines and also get more experience with them.

Here is how I will spend my time for the four weeks of study:
  • Do small studies on different architectural style.
  • Choose one of them and expand my research by capturing photos, sketches etc.
  • Create four practice models with chosen architectural style.
For the overall submission we are required to submit the following:
  • A production-ready digital asset [maya project folder & .MOV]
  • Technical Journal and 500 word evaluation [PDF]
Here are the learning outcomes with this brief and also how we will be assessed:

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